

We should not allow the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games to be held.

We should not allow the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games to be held under the declaration of a nuclear emergency situation in Japan.

In the name of the 2020 Reconstruction Olympic,it will be held in Tokyo soon.

But in Fukushima,several serious things are now taking place.

One of them is very high doses of radiation found at J-Village where Olympic Torch Relay begins on March 26,There are several ‘hotspots’ around the soccer training fields,and Tepco hastily decontaminated them.The other day I measured 10 places in my dosimeter,and the maximum level was 0.72µSv/h.I think 71μSv/h that Greenpeace.org Japan measured last December is possible because there are many deep forests near here.

Another one is delisting of some of the evacuation areas where doses of radiation would fall to 3.8 μSv/h,not under 0.23. It would be no longer safe for young people.

One more thing is a danger of the 120-meter-tall exhaust stack’s falling down.It is my theme.

During the time when the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant accident occurred, high density of steam full of radioactive materials was released by venting.

Probably people heard the word’ ‘vent’ for the first time,and then they came to use it several times.It means releasing the inner steam outside,when the pressure in the vessel of the nuclear reactor is abruptly raised.

According to the estimate of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at that time,Cesium-137 released was 70 trillion becquerels to 50 quadrillion becquerels.

It’s beyond our imagination.

The 120-meter-tall exhaust stack between the No. 1 and 2 reactors was used for the vent at the Unit1 reactor, so that the inner part of the stack was heavily contaminated Five months after the accident,radiation around the pipes of the stack was said to be maximum possible value of 25Sv. In 2015 it was said to be around 2Sv. Carelessly approaching there is fatal That’s a level man dies within several weeks.Therefore last August Tepco started the work of cutting the stack in round slices by using a remote control robot and making the height 60 meters so that the collapse of the stack might be avoided.

However, the work was temporarily suspended due to equipment failure,approaching of the big typhoons,etc.Tepco said by further examinations fatal defect of the cutting apparatus was found,and said it could not be repaired promptly.Then, last December Tepco resorted to rash act,by sending manpower to that place full of radiation.

Why such a rash act?According to Tepco’s announcement, in April before the dismantling operation began,γ-ray doses firstly measured through remote control on the top block of the stack was from0.07 to 0.08 mSv/h. In September after the component of it was cut off by remote control, the radiation level inside it was 0.04mSv/h. Remember, the safety standard for the present is said to be 0.23μSv/h for cesium‐137.

In December when the manpower was about to be used,radiation revel around the stack was said to be 0.22mSv/h. But Tepco put three workers on the crane and move them to the decomposing apparatus and made them cut the block for one hour,by using disc grinding machines They would be exposed to radiation easily,for they only wore protective clothing , masks and gloves According to a mass media , the radiation exposure of about 0.1 mSv would be inevitable in this working time.

Tepco planned to do the work through remote control without any manpower,But the company put manpower to use. Is it puting the cart before the horse? Incredible neglecting of the human life.

What about the three?There is no announcement.

Why so hasty?If Tepco had enough time,it could improve the remote control devices and carry out the work without any manpower.The reason is Tokyo 2020 is drawing near.If Tepco would postpone the work,this exhaust stack now in the process of disassembling would collapse in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes,tsunami,and super typhoons.In the worst case the stack could hit directly the nuclear power stations unit 1or2,causing catastrophe that would be another nuclear accident. The cancellation of the Olympics goes without saying.

Anxiety of workers never ceases in the decommissioning process from now on. It was clearly reflected in the questionnaire that was conducted by Tepco last March.

We must watch Tepco so that manpower would never be sent again.
